Mental health is an important aspect of our well-being, but sometimes we may face challenges like anxiety, depression, stress, trauma, grief, or relationship issues. Navigating these things alone can feel overwhelming. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone, and help is available. Talking to a psychologist can help you understand what you’re going through, develop coping mechanisms, and feel better.
While that might sound simple, finding a suitable psychologist can sometimes be difficult, especially if you live in a remote area, have a busy schedule, or face physical or financial barriers. That’s why an online psychology service, offering remote therapy, can be a great option for you. An online psychology service allows you to access professional and confidential mental health care from the comfort of your own home, through a video call that connects you with qualified telehealth psychologists.
Here are 5 benefits of using an online psychology service for your mental health needs:
1. Select from a range of reputable, qualified professionals
Online psychology services provide a unique advantage: the opportunity to access a diverse range of experienced and qualified psychologists that are outside your local area. Online profiles enable you to get a glimpse of each psychologist’s unique skills, background, therapeutic approach, professional experiences, and areas of specialisation – empowering you to make well-informed decisions about your care with a mental health professional of your choosing. Plus, if you don’t feel a connection with the person you’ve chosen, you can select someone different next time.
2. Efficient booking & shorter waiting lists
With a few clicks you can book an appointment at a time that works with your personal schedule, and you may be able to get in to see a psychologist sooner. You can often find yourself on a waitlist for face-to-face consultations because you’re limited to professionals within driving (or public transport) distance, whereas online psychology services can tap into a wider network of available mental health professionals – which will often cut down your wait time. For example, with our online psychology partner Recharge Wellness* you can speak to a psychologist within 24 hours.
3. Increased accessibility
Online psychology services can provide increased accessibility to people who may be unable to see a local GP due to proximity, availability or limited clinic hours – and where using online services may help to remove some of the barriers people experience in getting the care they need at different times. Individuals who are unable to leave their homes for various reasons, such as physical or mental illness, may find an online psychologist or online therapist as a useful alternative to traditional psychotherapy settings.
Smartphones, tablets, and computers are increasingly expanding the availability of health services. This means you can access help anonymously at a time and place that suits you.
4. Accessible from anywhere in Australia
Geographical location shouldn’t be a barrier to accessing quality mental health care. For people living in rural or remote areas, where access to mental health services can be limited, online psychology services are an excellent solution. These services break down geographical barriers, providing access to quality mental health care no matter where you live.
5. Affordable online therapy
With a valid Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP), you can receive Medicare rebates for up to 10 sessions with eligible mental health professionals, reducing your cost of treatment. If you don’t have a MHTP yet, you can book an appointment with one of our doctors who can assess your eligibility and help you develop a plan. Medicare rebates apply for this consult, too.
The power of the internet also means you can search for an online psychology provider that fits within your budget. Hot tip, health professionals set their own fees and sometimes there may be out-of-pocket costs for your appointments. When you book, remember to ask how much of the cost Medicare will cover so you’ll know what you need to pay. As a guide, here is the pricing table from Recharge Wellness.
And, you won’t have paid to travel to your GP appointment, or your online psychology appointment – no fuel costs, bus fares, train tickets or parking meters.
To wrap it up:
In Australia, around 1 in 2 people will experience a struggle with their mental health during their lifetime. If this is you, remember that help is readily available. You don’t need to wait weeks for an appointment. By seeing an online psychologist, you can quickly begin your journey towards the well-being you deserve.
*Doctors on Demand has partnered with online psychology providers and may receive sponsorship fees.
Frequently asked questions
How do I get a Mental Health Treatment Plan?
Book an appointment with one of our mental health trained Doctors by clicking ‘Get Started’ (and select ‘Mental Health’ from the list if necessary) or find a local clinic near you to discuss your concerns in person. During your consultation, the Doctor will assess your mental health by discussing your symptoms, medical history, and any challenges you are facing. If the Doctor believes that a Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) would assist you, they will work with you to create a MHTP for your treatment needs. It will outline your diagnosis, treatment goals, recommended interventions, and the number of sessions you are eligible for under Medicare.
How much does a mental health care plan cost?
Patients with a valid Medicare card can access our Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) assessment for a $120 upfront fee, with rebates of up to $100.20 (which means you’ll pay from $19.80 out of pocket after your rebates have been applied).
We will lodge the claim for your consult immediately after your video consultation, however your actual out-of-pocket costs may depend on the outcome of your appointment, and your eligibility as assessed by Medicare. Medicare rebates on this service range from $100.20 rebate ($19.80 out of pocket) where a MHTP is provided and $78.95 rebate ($41.05 out of pocket) where a MHTP is not provided, or where you are consulting with a Doctor to review an existing MHTP.
If you don’t have a Medicare card, you can book a private fee appointment and speak with one of our mental health trained Doctors about your mental health concerns at any time. See the pricing table on our mental health page.
There may be additional costs for things associated with your appointment, like medication, or treatments with any specialists or mental health professionals to which you are referred.
How much do psychology appointments cost, after I get my Mental Health Treatment Plan?
Providers will set their own fees, so it’s best to check directly with them on what you will pay to access their services. This includes what you may pay upfront, and what you will get back from Medicare, so you can calculate your out-of-pocket expenses.
As a guide, here is a pricing table from our online psychology partner, Recharge Wellness.

*Doctors on Demand has partnered with online psychology providers and may receive sponsorship fees.
Still need a Mental Health Treatment Plan? You can book an assessment online. Rebates apply for Medicare card holders.
Can I use private health insurance to cover any out-of-pocket costs for mental health?
Patients with a valid Medicare card can access our Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) assessment and review consultations with out of pocket expenses from $19.80. See our pricing table for more information.
If you do not have a Medicare card and are paying a fee for your mental health appointment on our service, please check with your insurer if you can claim this back.
If you go on to access other mental health services as part of your plan, the mental health professional will set their own fees. Ask your provider how much Medicare will cover and check with your insurer about claiming back out-of-pocket expenses.